
Montana gives us open spaces, wildlife, adventure, the opportunity to get away and places to reconnect.

Montana’s Outdoor Legacy Foundation is a philanthropic organization providing private support for preserving and enhancing Montana’s natural and recreational resources. We serve as a catalyst for the engagement and bonding of people to our wildlife and public lands in Montana through a sense of place, education, access, research and stewardship.

We use the funds we raise and distributions from our endowments to support projects in the state of Montana in the following categories:

  • Recreational access to and care of public lands
  • Fish & wildlife habitat conservation, management, research
  • Conservation Education

We are proud of the 30 million+ acres of state and federal recreational lands that encompass almost 1/3 of our state and are dedicated to preserving access to the great outdoor experience for all who appreciate its worth.  We are proud of our close partnership to Montana’s Fish, Wildlife and Parks Department.


Since our creation as the Fish, Wildlife and Parks Foundation in 1999, it was clear that our greatest accomplishment was the partnerships formed with a wide range of advocates, landowners and individuals with a common goal; to preserve the outdoor experience for future generations.

We’ve collaborated with a wide range of organizations including conservationists, wildlife advocates, educational institutions, local and state agencies and national parks. As our program evolved it became clear that we served much like a community foundation focused on outdoor legacies, which lea to our new and very fitting name, Montana’s Outdoor Legacy Foundation. Our new moniker fits our mission, values and has become an integral part of what Montana needs.