Just look around-access to our wild places is shrinking!
Are you tired of driving along counting the “No Trespassing” signs to your favorite access point only to discover a locked gate? We all need to stop taking it for granted that our public lands will be there for our enjoyment!
Have you heard one or more of the following remarks from public land managers or environmentalists?
“Just walk in.” Well, that is fine for some of us but it discriminates against those who are not athletic, strong hikers, the elderly and the disabled.
“It disturbs the animals.” Where is the research that proves this? Especially for the extended length of time some of those roads are gated.
“Usage is down in some areas.” In the past, it was easy to access most areas. There was good signage, good trails and no gates to impede us. That is not the case today.
Take a look around-are you seeing a trend to sell off our public lands or use them more for commercial purposes? We need to stand up and make sure that our public lands stay accessible for us to enjoy!
Together we can eliminate the excuses by public land managers and environmentalists for closing trails, roads and OUR public lands.
From maintaining hiking, fishing, and hunting access points, to purchasing easements and land for better access, we actively work with our partners to support national parks, landmarks, state and federal forest lands, wilderness, recreational areas and state parks. We are conservationists who believe strongly that people and wild places can co-exist. Join us now!!
We are committed to ensuring that all our public lands are accessible and safe. Whether it’s maintaining hiking and snowmobiling trails, common ground talks with landowners for hunting and fishing access or purchasing easements and land for better access; we actively work with our partners to support state and federal forest lands, national parks, wilderness, recreational areas and state parks.
Projects like those below, are a key component to ensuring we continue to maintain public access to public lands as well the outdoor experience Montana is so perfectly suited for.