Raptor Monitoring and Citizen Science
Research is needed to identify Golden, Bald Eagle and Peregrine Falcon populations and nesting sites throughout the state. Aerial surveys and citizen science programs are critical to this research.
$50,000 per year

There are three components to raptor monitoring. Of key interest has been the golden eagle as populations are decreasing and it is important to understand why
- Aerial surveys
- Migration surveys and research
- Citizen Science
The site at Duck Creek Pass has overwhelmed researchers by the numbers of raptors that pass through during migration. It seems to be a corridor that exceeds any of the other lower 48 states and survey locations. Helping the counting and logging of data as well as opportunities for the public to experience the migration is key.
Partnerships in this program include the Montana Peregrine Institute and Last Chance Audubon Society. A special thanks to Jay Sumner for the photos.