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Harlequin Duck


Not unlike Montana’s famed trout, one of montana’s most unique waterfowl species, the harlequin duck, requires clear, fast-moving mountain streams for its breeding season and forage.

Only about 200 pairs nest in Montana, many of which can be found in or near Glacier National Park. Harlequin ducks are considered a Species of Concern in Montana because of this very limited habitat and potentially declining population numbers which make them vulnerable.

You can help provide critical research on this unique waterfowl species by supporting research to track harlequins to better understand what stage of their life cycle may be most vulnerable and causing a perceived decline in numbers.

To sponsor a tracking devise on a single harlequin, or other ways to support this effort, please contact us for more information.

$2000, sponsors complete GPS equipment and tracking work for a Harlequin duck.