NGO Partners
Montana’s Outdoor Legacy Foundation serves as fiscal agent and trust manager for other outdoor organizations who want to focus on particular issues but want the freedom to not have the financial and IRS reporting challenges that come with that mission. We are excited to have these current affiliations and strongly encourage you to support their missions through our organization.
Become a PartnerBear Creek Council
Blackfoot Challenge
Flathead Lake Biological Station
Foundation for Animals
Great Northern Environmental Stewardship Association
Hellgate Civilian Shooters Association
Hunter’s Ethics
Jack Creek Preserve Foundation
Madison Valley Ranchlands Group
Montana Bowhunters Association
Montana Fish and Wildlife Conservation Trust
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks
Montana Game Wardens’ Association
Montana Outfitters and Guides Association
Montana State University
Montana Trout Foundation
Montana Wetlands Legacy Partnership
Montana Wild Sheep Foundation
Montana Wilderness Association
Montana Wildlife Federation
Mule Deer Foundation
One Montana
Pheasants Forever
Prickly Pear Land Trust
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
Safari Club International / Southwest MT Chapter
U.S. Forest Service
University of Montana
Vital Ground
Whitefish Legacy Foundation
William H. Donner Foundation
Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative