
A special “thank you” to all of those who have joined us in preserving and enhancing Montana’s natural, cultural and recreational resources.

Achenbaugh, Ellen

Andersen, Ruth


Armstrong, Steve and Linnea

Azqueta, Robin and Norbetto

Baber, Jack and Audra

Bali, Janet and John

Ballweg, Chuck

Barger, Christian

Barger, Kathleen

Barthelmegg, David

Barz, Dan and Diane

Bayley, Robert

Bennett, Dan

Bianco Hanna, Laura

Bishop, Robert and Rita

Blotkamp, Robb

Bond, Jennifer

Boorman, Barbara

Bosic, William

Bradbury, MJ

Bradley, Dorothy

Bradshaw, Stan

Brady, Terry

Brandborg, Betsy

Brisendine, Robert and Tricia

Brown, David and Margaret

Brown, Joe

Brown, Matt

Brown, Tom and Katie

Browning, Armisted

Burke, Dale

Butorac, Dee

Butterfield, Kathy and Rich

Campbell, Joe

Carpenter, Dave

Chamberlin, Steven

Chetwood, L.H.

Choe, George and Aspen

Christian, Kirby and Barb

Clingingsmith, Darcy

Clist, Larry

Clouse, Shane and Kelly

Coffey-Avey, Crystal

Cole, Constance

Coleman, Michele

Conradi, Diane

Correll, Richard and Cathleen

Creech, Randy and Kay

Cuozzo, Betty Ann

Cutshall, Don and Janet

Damuth, Kevin and Monique

Davis, Claudia

De Los Reyes, Richard

Deffe, Douglas and Kathleen

Degenstein, Mr. and Mrs. Joel

Dennison, George and Jane

Deveau, Rich

Diederich, Jon

Downing, Tom and Cindy

Duchemin, Michael

Duford-Barron, Tali

Dunwoody, Martha

Dvarishkis, Mark and Darcie

Edgerley, Colleen

Edwards, Gary

Ellis, Steve and Joan

Erickson, Bart and Carole

Fair, Rod and Meg

Feffer, David and Judy

Ferguson, Herbert

Ferrell, Doug

Flynn, Ann

Foote, Pat

Ford, Bonnie

Fowler, Steve

Fox, Jeff

Frasier, Stan and Michelle Barstad

Friedlander, Tom and Kathleen

Gale, Charles

Galiher, Bill and Patsy

Gama, Armando

Garland, Rebecca and Richard Thuma

Garner, Mary Ann and Don

Gentry, Michael

Geusen, Joshua

Giacomini, Andrew

Gibson, David

Gillespie, Don and Mary

Gordon, Scott

Granrud, Christina

Grassle, Grant

Grimes, Tom

Hagen, Darrell and June

Hallinan, Bill

Hanich, Herbert

Hanna, Jack and Suzi

Hanson, Biff and Ceci

Harding, Rita

Harman, Susan

Harrison, Cynthia

Haverlandt, Carol

Hegstad, Spence

Heine, John and Mary

Herling, Daphne

Hickok, Lisa and Doug

Hildner, Richard and Suzanne

Holcomb, Joanne

Holmgren, Jeanne

Hooge, Philip and Elisabeth

Imlay, Kathleen

Inman, Kris

Irving, Don

Ivy, Robert and Tabby

Iwersen, Kateri and Larry

Jacquemain, Dave and Patti

Jensen, James

Jensen, Larry

Johnson, Kirsten

Johnson, Pride

Johnston, Gilbert and Judith

Jones, Mindy

Jourdonnais, Craig

Kamela, Robert

Kampschror, Beth

Kennedy, Tom

King, Linda and Dan

Knapp, Ralph

Knee, Ryan

Knudson, Carrie and David

Konopatzke, Jeanie

Kuntz, Josh

Kuntz, Kerry and Julie

Kutner, Daniel and Leslie

Lainhart, Donald and Sharon

Landeraaen, Paul and Valerie

Langel, Craig

Layne, Thomas

Lebwohl, Michael

Lee, Karole

LeJeune, Debbie

Lewin, Dennis

Liugngood, Greg

Lovenburg, John and Renee

Ludeman, Russ and Karin

Lust, Lynn and Bob

Mahlmann, Betty

Majka, Elizabeth

Malletta, John

Manfre, Steven

Mangelsen, Tom

Marchion, Chris

Marcoux, Ron and Barb

Markel, Erika

Marsillo, Lino and Sherry

Martin, Larry

Martin, Robert

Marx, Addrien

Mashburn, Charles and Geri

Matelich, George

Matheny, Mark and Becky

McAdams, Scott and Sharon

McCarthy, Charlie

McCauley, Archie and Janice

McCauley, Jill

McLaughlin, Ray and Kay

McLeran, Brian

Meislik, Jerry and Rhona

Melvin, Paul

Midgett, Douglas

Miller, Bruce and Sylvia Medina

Milne, Curtis

Milne, Ty

Milner, Elizabeth

Milner, Eric

Milner, Kelsey

Minahen, William

Mitchell, Michael and Jane

Molen, Gerald and Pat

Monroe, Lauren

Morgan, Adele

Moseley, Erin and Mark Logsdon

Mower, Melissa

Mueller, Mike and Stacey

Murphy, Marty

Murray, Michael

Nedrud, Mark and Melanie

Nelson, Dennis

Nevels, Paul and Mary

O’Dea, John and Jessica

O’Malley, Martin and Cynthia

Olson, John and Marilyn

Palm, Gary

Parr, Laura

Parthe, Patricia and Erv

Patyk, Bettina and Steve

Payne, Terry

Pelham, Peter

Perry, Robert

Perry, Roberta

Peschel, Walter and Peggy

Peterson, Gene

Pina, Davie

Platler, Andrea

Pletcher, Dan

Policz, L Wayne and Jo

Povich, Maury and Connie Chung

Pratt, Beth

Prominski, Jean

Ransom, Michelle

Ratzlaff, Jane and Henry

Ream, Robert

Reed, Agatha

Reeves, Debra

Reimann, John and Jill

Robertson, Mark and Mary

Rodguo, Thomas

Roe, Teddy

Rooney, Lydia

Ross, Kathy

Ross, Thomas

Ruckelshaus, Bettina

Sachkowsky, Cathy

Sanders, Susan and Edward

Scarborough, Sharon

Schafer, Janine

Schlauch, Edward and Carol

Schleicher, Richard and Joan

Schoh, Gregg

Severtson, Molly

Sheldon, Lawrence and Gayle

Sheridan, Kay

Shields, Gerald

Silverman, Andrea

Small, Bob and Mary Pat

Smith, David

Smith, Greg and Judy

Sommers, Judy and Brian

Southwood, Jerry and Jeanne

Sprunger, Courtenay

Steele, Anna

Stefan, Fred

Stoddard, Craig and Dana

Studeman, David

Stuken, Paul and Claire

Swanson, Loretta

Sybert, Bobby

Thomas, Edward

Thompson, Fred and Shelby

Tinghitella, John

Tinoco, Janet

Tubbs, John and Stephenie

Tucker, Bill and Ann

Tucker, G.M. and Lyn

Turner, Josh and Marsha

Ulrich, Tom

Van Kerrebrook, Mary

Van Orman, Cameron and Tracy

Voermans, Karen

Von Gehr, Gregory and Ann

Wallace, Bruce and Susan Cannell

Walthers, Jessie

Walthers, Linda

Ware, Philip and Marilyn

Welch, Karleen and William

Wentink, Warren

Wheat, Ray

Wheeler Smith, Hilary

Wheeler-Johnson, Frederica and Charles Johnson

Wheeler, Kendall

Whiddon, Judy

Wilcox, A. Warren and Betsy

Williams, Laura

Wilson, David

Wilson, David and LeAnn

Winfrey, Tarry

Wolny, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer

Wooten, Clyde and Cheryl

Wright, Jo Ann

Wuttke, Bob and Diann

Zackheim, Hugh and Karen

Zavadil, Anne

Zuffelato, Zuff and Debbie