Business Partners
Montana’s Outdoor Legacy Foundation serves as fiscal agent and trust manager for other outdoor organizations who want to focus on particular issues but want the freedom to not have the financial and IRS reporting challenges that come with that mission. We are excited to have these current affiliations and strongly encourage you to support their missions through our organization.
Become a PartnerBNSF Foundation
Buffalo Dance Gallery
Camas Creek Café LLC, DBA Doc’s Sandwich Shop
Chanslor Wildlife LLC
Cordingley Foundation
Creative Sales Company
Gary W. Dietrich Family Foundation
Glacier Bank
Glacier Frame Shop
Izaak Walton Inn
JELT – A Better Belt
Jimmerson Gallery
Medina Jewelry
Montana Trout Unlimited
MPG Operations, LLC
National Fish Wildlife Foundation
National Wildlife Federation
NorthWestern Energy
Owl Research
Rainer Exclusive
Revett Minerals
Sportsma Ski House
Sweetwater Fly Shop
TC Energy
The John & Marilyn Olson Family Foundation
The K Foundation
The Rowe and Reynolds Charitable Fund
The Shepard-Ortolano
Topp Company
Two Nineteen Main
Valerie McIntyre Photography
Whitefish Lake Lodge
World Wildlife Fund
Wyckman Properties, LLC